$d: 70; // density $w: 600; // grid size $s: 3s; // speed // Generate the snow image using radial gradients $grad: (); @for $i from 0 to $d { $v: random(4) + 2; $a: random(5) * .1 + .5; $grad: $grad, radial-gradient( $v+px $v+px at (random($w - $v * 2) + $v)+px (random($w - $v * 2) + $v)+px, rgba(255,255,255,$a) 50%, rgba(0,0,0,0) ) !global; } // The CSS html { height: 100%; background: linear-gradient(#123 30%, #667); overflow: hidden; } .snow, .snow:before, .snow:after { position: absolute; top: -$w + px; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; background-image: $grad; background-size: $w + px $w + px; animation: snow $s linear infinite; content: ""; } .snow:after { margin-left: -$w/3 + px; opacity: .4; animation-duration: $s*2; animation-direction: reverse; filter: blur(3px); } .snow:before { animation-duration: $s*3; animation-direction: reverse; margin-left: -$w/2 + px; opacity: .65; filter: blur(1.5px); } @keyframes snow { to { transform: translateY($w + px); } }
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